0435 985 977 [email protected]


Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find the answers you’re looking for in our FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions section, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to assist you. You can drop us an email at [email protected] or give us a call at 0435 985 977

Most Asked

Q: What is a Media Pod?

A Media Pod has 3 LCD screens that can display photos and videos on a loop.  Each Pod is 32cm tall, weighs 2.5kg and is designed to sit in the centre of table at events and functions.

Q: Where can the Media Pods be used?

The Media Pods can be used for any event or function including award nights, Gala nights, product launches, fundraisers, or any other promotional event.

Q: Who loads the content to the Media Pods?

CentreScreen Digital will load your content for you.  Content must be sent to us at least 1-2 weeks prior to the event to allow for it to be loaded to each Media Pod.

Q: What happens on the day/night?

CentreScreen will deliver and setup the Media Pods at your event.  We will position them where required and then collect them at the end of the event.  This is all included as standard.

Q: Can the Media Pods be used outside Melbourne?

CentreScreen can service Victorian regional areas such as Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo are available on request.  If you are outside Victoria, then please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.


Q: How do the Media Pods work?

Content is loaded to each Media Pod prior to the event.  The Media Pods are then positioned at the event, such as on the middle of tables.  Each Media Pod will then display and rotate through the loaded content on each of its 3 screens allowing for full 360-degree viewing.

Q: Where can the Media Pods be used?

The Media Pods can be used for any event or function including award nights, Gala nights, product launches, fundraisers, or any other promotional event.

Q: What content is suitable to be displayed on the Media Pods?

The Media Pods can be used to display anything you require such as event sponsor branding, sponsors products, food menus, table seating positions, event schedules, event speakers’ details, thank you messages or any other content.

Q: Where is the best place to position Media Pods at events?

At sit down events the Media Pods are best placed at the centre of each table.  The 3 screens then allow for full 360-degree viewing around the table.
At stand up or cocktail events, the Media Pods can be placed on tables throughout the venue.


Q: Who loads the content to the Media Pods?

CentreScreen Digital will load your content for you.  Content must be sent to us at least 1-2 weeks prior to the event to allow for it to be loaded to each Media Pod.

Q: What happens on the day/night?

CentreScreen will deliver and setup the Media Pods at your event.  We will position them where required and then collect them at the end of the event.  This is all included as standard.

Q: When does the required content need to be supplied?

Content is to be supplied to us at least 1-2 weeks prior to the event.  Any changes made within a week of the event may incur an additional fee.

Q: When/how will the Media Pods be delivered/setup?

CentreScreen will deliver and setup the Media Pods are your event.  We will work with you to determine when the Media Pods are to be delivered and where they should be setup for your event.

Q: When/how will the Media Pods be returned?

At the end of the event we will collect all of the Media Pods.  You don’t need to do a thing.

Q: Will support be available during our event?

Yes.  CentreScreen will be available to contact during your event and will be onsite when required.

If you can’t find the answers you’re looking for in our FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions section, please don’t hesitate to contact us


Q: How big is each screen on the Pod?

Each of the 3 screens per pod measures 7inchs/18cm in diagonal length

Q: What are the dimensions of a Media Pod?

Each Media Pod is 32cm tall.  The top section which houses the screens, is 25cm wide whilst the base is a circular shape that is 18cm wide.

Q: How much does a Media Pod weigh?

Each Media Pod weight approx. 2.5kg which ensures it sits safe and sturdy on table tops.

Q: Are the Media Pods strong and sturdy?

Yes!  Most accidental knocks to the Media Pod will result in the Pod moving in position rather than falling down.  With a weight of 2.5kg and a sturdy 18cm base, each Pod is designed to sit upon table tops where it may be knocked occasionally without any serious problems.

Q: Can things be placed on top of the Media Pod?

Yes.  Items such as table numbers, flowers or small ornaments can be placed on top of each Media Pod.  Therefore, tables with limited space can still accommodate a Media Pod as items that would normally sit on the table where the Media Pod is, can instead be placed on the top of the Pod.

Q: Will the Media Pod be damaged if it is knocked over?

Most likely not!  The Media Pods are built to withstand being knocked over.


Q: How are images displayed on the Media Pods?

Prior to the event the images required are loaded to each Pod.  They are placed in the required order and then the Media Pod will display the content in that order on the night.  Once complete the Pod will loop back through the content in the original order.  This will repeat for the duration of the event.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of images to be displayed?

No, there is no limit, but we recommend that approx. 10-20 photos are to be loaded per event.  This will allow each ‘cycle’ to be approx. 3 minutes long before lopping back and starting again.
The number of images and the time displayed per image can be set by the event organizer during setup.

Q: What format are images required to be in?

We recommend JPG images.  All images sent to us will be resized and saved in the appropriate format to be displayed.  Therefore, it isn’t critical that you send us content in the final format as we will adjust it free of charge when loading the Pods.

Q: What is the recommended viewing time per image?

We suggest 10 seconds to be the viewing time per image.  It is possible to display particular images for longer if required (must be set prior to the event).

Q: Will all 3 screens on each Media Pod display the same content?

Yes.  The 3 screens on each Media Pod will always display the same image at the same time.  Each screen is a duplication of the other screen.  There is no way to display different content at the same time on each screen.

Q: Can video be loaded?

Yes.  Video can be loaded to the Pod.  We find that static images often work better than video, but if video is required then it can be loaded.

Q: Is sound/volume available?

No.  The Media Pod is unable to broadcast sound loud enough to hear during events in large rooms with a lot of people.

Q: How long will the battery last on each Media Pod?

When fully charged, the battery per Media Pod can last up to 6 hours.

Q: Can content be updated during an event?

No.  Content must be loaded before the event and can’t be changed once an event has started.

If you can’t find the answers you’re looking for in our FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions section, please don’t hesitate to contact us


Q: Can I get a demonstration of a Media Pod?

Demonstrations are available within the Melbourne area.  Contact Us today for more details.

Q: How do I sign up?

Visit our Quote page to request a quote based on your requirements or Contact Us today to discuss your requirements.

Q: Can the Media Pods be used outside Melbourne?

CentreScreen can service Victorian regional areas such as Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo are available on request.  If you are outside Victoria, then please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.


Q: Do I hire or buy the Media Pods?

The Media Pods are hired on a per event basis.  In particular situations, purchasing may be considered.  Please contact us if interested.

Q: What is the minimum number of Media Pods that can be hired?

We will do our best to support smaller events but we suggest at least 10 Media Pods to be used at each event.

Q: Can I get a discount for multiple events?

Yes.  The cost of each Pod is reduced if multiple events are committed to in advance within a 12-month period.  To receive a discount, the events must be booked and committed to at the same time.

Q: Does it matter how long an event runs for?

We have flexible pricing options which cater for shorter events.  Please request a Quote for more details.

Q: Does the cost include setup and support?

Yes.  There are no hidden or additional chargers.  The cost per Pod includes setup, delivery and pickup within the Melbourne area.

CentreScreen - Event Media Pods

If you can’t find the answers you’re looking for in our FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions section, please don’t hesitate to contact us